Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Scotland Part 1: Edinburgh

Image taken from

Edinburg is the capital of Scotland and is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. This is in part due to the skyline, hilly terrain and two extinct volcanoes, the top one being the home of the Edinburg Castle. Two areas of historic Edinburgh are Old Town and New Town. The Castle and surrounding area form Old Town and overpopulation of the area lead to the development of New Town in the late 1700s. Edinburgh is also known for its many fesitvals, among them the famous New Year's Party, the Hogmanay and the Edinburgh Festivals (a series events in August including the Edinburg International Festival, Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and The Fringe Festival, to name a few!!)

In 1689 the Advocates Library was opened, and it was not until 1925 that its collection became the National Library of Scotland. Today it is Scotland's only legal deposit library with a reference collection of 14 million printed items with a focus on the knowledge, history, and culture of Scotland. The National Library of Scotland now includes the George VI Bridge Building as the main public library building and the Causewayside that houses the Map Library.

From the National Archives of Scotland:

Based in Edinburgh, the National Archives of Scotland (NAS) exists to select, preserve, and make available the national archives of Scotland in whatever medium, to the highest standards; to promote the growth and maintenance of proper archive provision throughout the country; and to lead the development of archival practice in Scotland.

The NAS also holds historical records created by businesses, landed estates, families, churches and other corporate bodies. Every year tens of thousands of people from all over the world use the NAS's services to carry out research, seek advice on record keeping, and enhance the learning and teaching of history. More about the National Archives of Scotland.
History of the National Archives of Scotland

Suggested sites of interest:
Edinburgh Festivals
Knox House and Storytelling Centre
Rosslyn Chapel
Edinburg Castle
Holyrood Palace
Writer's Museum
Muesums of Edinburgh
Museums and Galleries
St. Giles Cathedral

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